
Catamaran Cruisng
Catamaran is one of the most exciting activities to get introduce in the world of sailing, dynamic and fun wind sports available today. To sail and plane over the waves at high speeds in a catamaran without any other noise than the wind and waves is an unforgettable experience.
Dreaming of buying your own cruising Catamaran? Want to rent cruising catamarans in beautiful sailing spots around the world.? here we Go.
You’ll know that the first thing you need is Catamaran lessons with a Masters Surf School certified instructor. Below the most popular Catamaran courses we offer, please contact us for the list of available courses and price.
Um die Grundlagen des Kitesurfens zu erlernen, benötigen Sie im Durchschnitt drei bis fünf Tage und dann noch ein paar Tage, um das Gelernte zu festigen und zu üben, damit Sie auf Ihrem Board über das Wasser fliegen.
Sie werden wissen, dass das erste, was Sie brauchen, Kitesurfunterricht bei einem zertifizierten Lehrer der Masters Surf School ist. Nachfolgend finden Sie die beliebtesten Kitesurfkurse, die wir anbieten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für die Liste der verfügbaren Kurse und Preise.
Learn to Sail Courses (Five hours or Ten hours)
The goal of this sailing course is to get you completely familiar and comfortable with all aspects of sailing a Catamaran all by yourself. This includes, rigging, launching, sailing solo and de-rigging. You will also learn sailing terminology and sail theory.
Advanced Sailing & Racing (Three Hours)
This short sailing course is designed for sailors who already know how to sail proficiently but would like to further their education and experience. This course is flexible in its content and can include advanced sail theory, kinetics, racing rules, tactics, strategy, advanced racing maneuvers such as roll tacks and much more.